History Trivia Questions (Medium/Hard Difficulty)

August 27, 2024
Team Building

You found our list of History-themed trivia questions & answers.

Looking to host your next epic trivia night, and need a little help coming up with some questions? Well look no further! Whether it’s for your next Pub Quiz, family-fun night, teambuilding, or whatever else the occasion, we hope you’ll enjoy these trivia questions. We’ve included the answer as well as 4 possible multiple choice options for each question - so whatever format you prefer, we’ve got you covered.

This list contains History-themed trivia questions across the following categories:

  • Ancient Civilizations
  • Asian History
  • Colonial and Post-Colonial History
  • Economic History
  • European History
  • Exploration and Discovery
  • Historical Figures
  • Inventions and Innovations
  • Mythology
  • Political History
  • Revolutions and Rebellions
  • U.S. History
  • White-Collar Criminals
  • Women's History
  • Wars

History Trivia Questions

Ancient Civilizations

1.  Approximately how many Viking warriors could fit in a longboat? 

Answer: 60

a) 30

b) 45

c) 60

d) 80

2.  Chichen Itza was built by which ancient civilization? 

Answer: Mayans

a) Aztecs

b) Incas

c) Olmecs

d) Mayans

3. What ancient civilization was known for building Machu Picchu and establishing an empire across the Andes Mountains?

Answer: Inca

a) Aztec

b) Maya

c) Olmec

d) Inca

4.  From what material was parchment usually made?

Answer: Animal Skin

a) Papyrus

b) Animal Skin

c) Cotton

d) Silk

5. Which ancient Mesopotamian ruler is credited with creating one of the world’s earliest and most complete written legal codes?

Answer: Hammurabi

a) Hammurabi

b) Sargon

c) Gilgamesh

d) Nebuchadnezzar

6.  What civilization has a calendar that was thought to be counting down to zero in 2012?

Answer: Maya

a) Aztec

b) Inca

c) Maya

d) Olmec

7.  Which Egyptian pharaoh is known for attempting to shift Egypt from polytheism to monotheism, worshiping the sun disk Aten?

Answer: Akhenaten

a) Akhenaten

b) Tutankhamun

c) Ramses II

d) Hatshepsut

8.  What calendar system immediately preceded the Gregorian calendar?

Answer: Julian Calendar

a) Julian Calendar

b) Roman Calendar

c) Hebrew Calendar

d) Islamic Calendar

9.  Which ancient civilization used quipus, a system of knotted strings, to keep records and convey information?

Answer: Inca

a) Maya

b) Aztec

c) Olmec

d) Inca

10. What legendary sunken island was first mentioned in the works of Plato?

Answer: Atlantis

a) Atlantis

b) Lemuria

c) Mu

d) El Dorado

11. The ancient city of Mohenjo-Daro, known for its advanced urban planning, was part of which civilization?

Answer: Indus Valley Civilization
a) Harappan
b) Indus Valley Civilization
c) Mauryan
d) Gupta

12. Which ancient kingdom, located in modern-day Sudan, ruled over Egypt during the 25th Dynasty?

Answer: Kush

a) Kush

b) Axum

c) Nubia

d) Meroë

Asian History

1. Sukarno was the first president of which Asian country?

Answer: Indonesia

a) Malaysia

b) Philippines

c) Indonesia

d) Thailand

2.  Which weapon symbolizes the honor of a samurai soldier?

Answer: Katana

a) Wakizashi

b) Katana

c) Naginata

d) Tanto

3.  Which dynasty in China initiated the construction of the Grand Canal, one of the world's longest canals?

Answer: Sui Dynasty
a) Tang Dynasty
b) Han Dynasty
c) Ming Dynasty
d) Sui Dynasty

4.  Which Southeast Asian kingdom was known for constructing the massive temple complex of Angkor Wat?

Answer: Khmer Empire

a) Khmer Empire

b) Srivijaya

c) Champa Kingdom

d) Majapahit

5.  The Tokugawa shogunate, which isolated Japan from the rest of the world, was founded in which year?

Answer: 1603

a) 1543

b) 1603

c) 1658

d) 1701

6.  Which Indian emperor converted to Buddhism after the bloody Kalinga War and promoted the spread of Buddhism throughout Asia?

Answer: Ashoka

a) Harsha

b) Chandragupta Maurya

c) Ashoka

d) Akba

7.  Which dynasty ruled Korea for more than five centuries, from 1392 to 1897, making it the longest-lived imperial dynasty in Korean history?

Answer: Joseon Dynasty

a) Goryeo Dynasty

b) Joseon Dynasty

c) Baekje Dynasty

d) Silla Dynasty

8.  Which period in Indian history, spanning from approximately 320 to 550 CE, is known for its remarkable advancements in arts, science, and culture, often referred to as the "Golden Age"?

Answer: Gupta Empire
a) Vedic Period
b) Maurya Empire
c) Mughal Era
d) Gupta Empire

9.  Which Chinese dynasty is credited with inventing gunpowder?

Answer: Tang Dynasty

a) Tang Dynasty

b) Song Dynasty

c) Ming Dynasty

d) Qing Dynasty

10. Which organization, founded by Andrés Bonifacio in 1892, aimed to achieve Philippine independence from Spanish colonial rule through revolutionary means?

Answer: Katipunan
a) Propaganda Movement
b) Katipunan
c) Malolos Congress
d) Philippine Republic

11.  According to traditional Indian medicine, what is the number of major chakras in the human body? 

Answer: 7

a) 6

b) 7

c) 8

d) 9

Colonial and Post-Colonial History

1. The historical North American territory of Acadia belonged to what country?

Answer: France

a) England

b) France

c) Spain

d) Portugal

2.  What country ceded Florida to the USA in 1821 with the Treaty of Adams-Onis?

Answer: Spain

a) Britain

b) France

c) Portugal

d) Spain

3.  What was the primary motivation behind the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885?

Answer: The Scramble for Africa

a) The Industrial Revolution

b) The Opium Wars

c) The Scramble for Africa

d) The American Civil War

4.  Which treaty, signed in 1898, marked the end of the Spanish-American War and resulted in the U.S. acquiring the Philippines? 

Answer: Treaty of Paris 

a) Treaty of Versailles 

b) Treaty of Paris 

c) Treaty of Tordesillas 

d) Treaty of Ghent

5.  The Mau Mau Uprising in the 1950s was a key part of which African nation’s struggle for independence from British rule?

Answer: Kenya

a) Nigeria

b) South Africa

c) Zimbabwe

d) Kenya

6.  What was the main objective of the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916 between Britain and France? 

Answer: Division of Ottoman Territories 

a) Establishing a Peace Treaty

b) Division of Ottoman Territories 

c) Creation of the League of Nations 

d) Negotiating Trade Routes

7.  What event in 1990 led to the reunification of East and West Germany after decades of separation? 

Answer: Fall of the Berlin Wall 

a) Fall of the Berlin Wall 

b) Treaty of Maastricht

c) German Unification Act 

d) Helsinki Accords

8.  Which African country achieved independence from Belgium in 1960, following a significant decolonization movement? 

Answer: Congo 

a) Nigeria 

b) Kenya 

c) Ghana 

d) Congo

9.  What European power controlled most of Southeast Asia during the colonial period, including Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia? 

Answer: France 

a) Britain 

b) France 

c) Spain 

d) Portugal

10. The Algerian War of Independence, which ended French colonial rule, officially concluded in which year?

Answer: 1962

a) 1955

b) 1958

c) 1962

d) 1968

Economic History

1.  What board game was introduced during the Great Depression in the 1930s and became popular due to its promise of fame and fortune?

Answer: Monopoly

a) Scrabble

b) Risk

c) Monopoly

d) Clue

2.  The Bretton Woods Agreement, which established the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, was signed in which year?

Answer: 1944

a) 1944

b) 1947

c) 1949

d) 1953

3.  What year did the Euro debut as a financial unit in corporate and investment markets?

Answer: 1999

a) 1995

b) 1997

c) 1999

d) 2001

4.  What economic policy, implemented in the 1980s by the British Prime Minister, emphasized privatization and deregulation?

Answer: Thatcherism

a) Keynesianism

b) Thatcherism

c) Monetarism

d) New Deal

5.  What economic policy was introduced in the Soviet Union by Joseph Stalin, focusing on state control of all aspects of production?

Answer: Five-Year Plans

a) New Economic Policy

b) Command Economy

c) Collectivization

d) Five-Year Plans

6.  What 19th-century economic theory, advocating for minimal government interference in the economy, was articulated by Adam Smith?

Answer: Laissez-faire

a) Mercantilism

b) Socialism

c) Protectionism

d) Laissez-faire

7.  What was the name of the U.S. initiative implemented after World War II to aid European recovery through economic assistance?

Answer: Marshall Plan
a) Truman Doctrine
b) New Deal
c) Marshall Plan
d) Bretton Woods Agreement

8.  What term refers to the large industrial conglomerates that dominated the Japanese economy from the late 19th century until World War II?

Answer: Zaibatsu
a) Zaibatsu
b) Keiretsu
c) Sogo Shosha
d) Shinkin

9.  Which cartoon character was featured on the emergency currency issued in the Philippines during World War II as a result of hyperinflation?

Answer: Mickey Mouse
a) Bugs Bunny
b) Mickey Mouse
c) Donald Duck
d) Popeye

10. What term describes the economic theory that advocates for reducing government spending and taxes to encourage investment and economic growth, and was notably applied during the Reagan administration in the 1980s?

Answer: Supply-Side Economics
a) Keynesian Economics
b) Monetarism
c) Supply-Side Economics
d) Classical Economics

European History

1. How many of King Henry VIII’s wives were called Anne?

Answer: Two

a) One

b) Two

c) Three

d) Four

2. How many wives did King Henry VIII have?

Answer: Six

a) Four

b) Five

c) Six

d) Seven

3. The Black Death, which devastated Europe in the 14th century, was caused by which bacterium?

Answer: Yersinia pestis

a) Bacillus anthracis

b) Escherichia coli

c) Vibrio cholerae

d) Yersinia pestis

4. On which Mediterranean island was Napoleon Bonaparte born?

Answer: Corsica

a) Sicily

b) Malta

c) Corsica

d) Cyprus

5. The London Eye is a tourist attraction formerly known by what name?

Answer: Millennium Wheel

a) London Eye

b) Thames Wheel

c) Royal Wheel

d) Millennium Wheel

6. The Traitors' Gate is an entrance to which London building?

Answer: Tower of London

a) Tower of London

b) Westminster Abbey

c) Buckingham Palace

d) St. Paul's Cathedral

7.  Which French king was known as the Sun King?

Answer: Louis XIV

a) Louis XVI

b) Louis XV

c) Louis XIII

d) Louis XIV

8.  Which French president said, "How can you govern a country with 246 varieties of cheese?"

Answer: Charles de Gaulle

a) Francois Mitterrand

b) Jacques Chirac

c) Charles de Gaulle

d) Nicolas Sarkozy

9. The Edict of Nantes, issued in 1598 by King Henry IV of France, granted religious freedom to which group?

Answer: Huguenots

a) Catholics

b) Protestants

c) Huguenots

d) Jews

10. What food delicacy was named after the man who won the Battle of Waterloo?

Answer: Beef Wellington

a) Beef Wellington

b) Chicken Kiev

c) Beef Stroganoff

d) Veal Parmesan

11. What king of England signed the Magna Carta in 1215?

Answer: King John

a) King Richard

b) King John

c) King Henry VIII

d) King William the Conqueror

12. Which leader succeeded Mikhail Gorbachev, becoming the first president of Russia?

Answer: Boris Yeltsin

a) Boris Yeltsin

b) Vladimir Putin

c) Dmitry Medvedev

d) Leonid Brezhnev

13. The 1453 conquest of Constantinople marked the fall of which empire?

Answer: Byzantine Empire

a) Roman Empire

b) Byzantine Empire

c) Ottoman Empire

d) Holy Roman Empire

14. Which is not an official language of Belgium?

Answer: Danish

a) French

b) German

c) Dutch

d) Danish

Exploration and Discovery

1.  New Zealand was first inhabited by people approximately how many years ago?

Answer: 1,000

a) 500

b) 1,000

c) 2,000

d) 3,000

2.  Which explorer led the first successful circumnavigation of the globe, even though he was killed before completing the voyage?

Answer: Ferdinand Magellan

a) Vasco da Gama

b) Ferdinand Magellan

c) Christopher Columbus

d) Hernán Cortés

3.  What was the name of the lunar module that carried Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to the surface of the Moon in 1969?

Answer: Eagle

a) Eagle

b) Falcon

c) Apollo

d) Orion

4.  Which ship took Charles Darwin on his voyage to the Galápagos Islands?

Answer: Beagle

a) Endeavour

b) Adventure

c) Discovery

d) Beagle

5.  Which was the largest of Christopher Columbus's ships on his first voyage across the Atlantic? 

Answer: Santa María

a) Pinta

b) Santa María

c) Niña

d) Victoria

6.  Which waterfall did Annie Taylor travel down via a wooden barrel?

Answer: Niagara Falls

a) Niagara Falls

b) Victoria Falls

c) Angel Falls

d) Iguazu Falls

7.  Who was the first European to ‘discover’ New Zealand?

Answer: Abel Tasman

a) Ferdinand Magellan

b) James Cook

c) Abel Tasman

d) Marco Polo

8.  In what country was the R.M.S. Titanic's last port of call?

Answer: Ireland

a) England

b) France

c) Ireland

d) Canada

9.  What British explorer is credited with the discovery of Australia in 1770?

Answer: James Cook
a) James Cook
b) Robert Falcon Scott
c) Captain Arthur Phillip
d) William Bligh

10. What 15th-century Portuguese navigator's expeditions led to the European discovery of the sea route to India?

Answer: Vasco da Gama
a) James Cook
b) Henry the Navigator
c) Ferdinand Magellan
d) Vasco da Gama

Historical Figures

1.  A member of the Religious Society of Friends is more commonly known as what? 

Answer: Quaker

a) Amish

b) Puritan

c) Quaker

d) Mennonite

2.  According to legend, what British noblewoman rode through the streets of Coventry naked? 

Answer: Lady Godiva

a) Lady Macbeth

b) Lady Jane Grey

c) Queen Victoria

d) Lady Godiva

3.  After being released from prison, who jointly won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 for his work to end apartheid?

Answer: Nelson Mandela

a) Desmond Tutu

b) Nelson Mandela

c) Oliver Tambo

d) Steve Biko  

4.  What Legally Blonde actress is a descendant of one of the signatories of the U.S. Declaration of Independence?

Answer: Reese Witherspoon

a) Jennifer Aniston

b) Nicole Kidman

c) Julia Roberts

d) Reese Witherspoon

5.  What animal did Mao Zedong famously declare war against?

Answer: Sparrows

a) Rats

b) Flies

c) Sparrows

d) Weasels

6.  What country did Pope Francis originally hail from?

Answer: Argentina

a) Argentina

b) Italy

c) Spain

d) Chile

7.  Which Egyptian queen was the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom before it became a Roman province?

Answer: Cleopatra

a) Nefertiti

b) Cleopatra

c) Hatshepsut

d) Arsinoe IV

8.  Which famous leader constructed his battle plans in a sandbox?

Answer: Napoleon

a) Genghis Khan

b) Alexander the Great

c) Julius Caesar

d) Napoleon

9.  Which famous rock star wrote to President Richard Nixon suggesting that he be made a Federal agent-at-large?

Answer: Elvis Presley

a) Chuck Berry

b) Johnny Cash

c) Elvis Presley

d) Buddy Holly

10. What is the name of the first-born child of Prince William and Kate Middleton?

Answer: George

a) George

b) Louis

c) Harry

d) William

11. What revolutionary wrote The Motorcycle Diaries about his travels around South America?

Answer: Che Guevara

a) Fidel Castro

b) Che Guevara

c) Simon Bolivar

d) Hugo Chavez

12. What was the name of the goldsmith who produced jeweled eggs for the tsars of Russia?

Answer: Peter Carl Fabergé

a) Carl Zeiss

b) Gustav Klimt

c) Alfred Dunhill

d) Peter Carl Fabergé

13. Who was the first Holy Roman Emperor, crowned in the year 800 by Pope Leo III?

Answer: Charlemagne

a) Otto the Great

b) Charlemagne

c) Frederick Barbarossa

d) Louis the German

14. What nickname is outlaw Henry McCarty most commonly known by in modern times?

Answer: Billy the Kid

a) Jesse James

b) Billy the Kid

c) Wild Bill Hickok

d) Butch Cassidy

15. Who was prisoner number 46664 for 27 years?

Answer: Nelson Mandela

a) Malcolm X

b) Mahatma Gandhi

c) Martin Luther King Jr.

d) Nelson Mandela

16. Who was the first athlete to appear on a Wheaties box in 1934?

Answer: Lou Gehrig

a) Babe Ruth

b) Lou Gehrig

c) Jackie Robinson

d) Jesse Owens

17. Which Russian leader is often credited with modernizing Russia and establishing it as a major European power in the early 18th century?

Answer: Peter the Great

a) Ivan the Terrible

b) Catherine the Great

c) Peter the Great

d) Nicholas II

18. Whose image was on the UK's first "plastic" banknote in 2016?

Answer: Winston Churchill

a) Winston Churchill

b) Queen Elizabeth II

c) Charles Darwin

d) William Shakespeare

Inventions and Innovations

1.  Although Galileo improved it for stargazing, Johannes Lippershey is often credited with inventing what device? 

Answer: Telescope

a) Microscope

b) Compass

c) Sextant

d) Telescope

2.  Before inventing the airplane, what kind of shop did the Wright Brothers operate? 

Answer: Bicycle Store

a) Hardware Store

b) General Store

c) Bicycle Store

d) Blacksmith Shop

3.  In which year was the word "internet" coined?

Answer: 1974

a) 1969

b) 1974

c) 1982

d) 1991

4.  The first 15,000 Swiss army knives were made in what country?

Answer: Germany

a) Switzerland

b) Germany

c) France

d) Austria

5.  The three founders of YouTube all met while working at what other popular tech company?

Answer: PayPal

a) Google

b) Apple

c) PayPal

d) Microsoft

6.  What antique car was also known as the Tin Lizzie?

Answer: Ford Model T

a) Chevrolet Camaro

b) Cadillac Eldorado

c) Buick Roadster

d) Ford Model T

7.  What computer brand made its debut in 1976 and reportedly sold its first model for $666.66?

Answer: Apple

a) Apple

b) IBM

c) Commodore

d) Atari

8.  What bread-related invention did Otto Rohwedder think up in 1930?

Answer: Mechanical Slicer

a) Bread Preserver

b) Toaster

c) Bread Maker

d) Mechanical Slicer

9.  What candy company introduced M&Ms with a patented anti-melting process in 1941?

Answer: Mars

a) Mars

b) Hershey's

c) Nestlé

d) Cadbury

10. What city is home to the world’s first underground passenger train system?

Answer: London

a) Paris

b) New York

c) London

d) Berlin

11. What medical procedure was first performed in South Africa in 1967?

Answer: Human Heart Transplant

a) Kidney Transplant

b) Liver Transplant

c) Human Heart Transplant

d) Bone Marrow Transplant

12. What mode of transportation did the Montgolfier brothers invent?

Answer: Hot Air Balloon

a) Glider

b) Hot Air Balloon

c) Airship

d) Hang Glider

13. What substance did Louis Pasteur make safer for us to drink?

Answer: Milk

a) Wine

b) Milk

c) Water

d) Juice

14. What type of candy was invented in 1875 by Swiss manufacturer Daniel Peter?

Answer: Milk Chocolate Bar

a) Nougat

b) White Chocolate Bar

c) Dark Chocolate Bar

d) Milk Chocolate Bar

15. What was the first assemble-it-yourself piece of furniture sold by Swedish furniture manufacturer IKEA?

Answer: Side Table

a) Side Table

b) Bookshelf

c) Chair

d) Bed

16. What were jeans first called?

Answer: Dungarees

a) Work Trousers

b) Overalls

c) Blue Pants

d) Dungarees

17. Which inventor was known as the Wizard of Menlo Park?

Answer: Thomas Edison

a) Thomas Edison

b) Nikola Tesla

c) Alexander Graham Bell

d) Guglielmo Marconi

18. Which popular toy holds the distinction of being the first toy advertised on U.S. TV?

Answer: Mr. Potato Head


b) Barbie

c) Mr. Potato Head

d) Slinky


1. In Norse mythology, what is the name of the wolf destined to devour Odin during Ragnarok?

Answer: Fenrir

a) Jormungandr

b) Sleipnir

c) Fenrir

d) Garmr

2. In Japanese mythology, what creature is a fox spirit with magical powers?

Answer: Kitsune

a) Tanuki

b) Tengu

c) Kappa

d) Kitsune

3. Who is the Sumerian goddess of love, fertility, and warfare, later adapted into Babylonian mythology as Ishtar?

Answer: Inanna

a) Tiamat

b) Ishtar

c) Inanna

d) Ereshkigal

4. In Hindu mythology, who is the god of creation, often depicted with four heads?

Answer: Brahma

a) Vishnu

b) Shiva

c) Brahma

d) Indra

5. In Greek mythology, what is the name of the Titan who stole fire from the gods and gave it to humanity?

Answer: Prometheus

a) Atlas

b) Prometheus

c) Epimetheus

d) Oceanus

6. In Aztec mythology, what is the name of the feathered serpent god associated with wind, learning, and knowledge?

Answer: Quetzalcoatl

a) Huitzilopochtli

b) Tezcatlipoca

c) Quetzalcoatl

d) Xolotl

7. In Egyptian mythology, who is the god of the afterlife and mummification?

Answer: Anubis

a) Ra

b) Osiris

c) Anubis

d) Horus

8. Who is the Chinese deity considered the god of prosperity, wealth, and happiness?

Answer: Caishen

a) Guan Yu

b) Caishen

c) Nuwa

d) Bixia

9. In Roman mythology, who is the god of agriculture and fertility?

Answer: Saturn

a) Jupiter

b) Mars

c) Saturn

d) Neptune

10. In Norse mythology, what is the name of the world inhabited by the giants?

Answer: Jotunheim

a) Asgard

b) Midgard

c) Jotunheim

d) Niflheim

Political History

1.  Which US Act has the abbreviation ‘FOIA’?

Answer: Freedom of Information Act

a) Federal Office of International Affairs

b) Federal Office of Information and Archives

c) Freedom of Information Act

d) Freedom of Information Agency

2.  What is the abbreviation of the UK's Security Service?

Answer: MI5

a) SIS

b) MI6


d) MI5

3.  What two colors are on the flag of the United Nations?

Answer: Blue & White

a) Red & White

b) Blue & White

c) Green & White

d) Blue & Yellow

4.  The Treaty of Nanking (1842) ended the First Opium War and ceded which territory to Britain?

Answer: Hong Kong

a) Shanghai

b) Taiwan

c) Hong Kong

d) Macau

5.  Which country boasts the oldest continuous monarchy?

Answer: Japan

a) Thailand

b) United Kingdom

c) Japan

d) Saudi Arabia

6.  Who replaced Kofi Annan as Secretary-General of the United Nations in 2007?

Answer: Ban Ki-moon

a) Ban Ki-moon

b) Boutros Boutros-Ghali

c) António Guterres

d) Javier Pérez de Cuéllar

7.  After what presidential debate was the term "spin doctor" first coined? 

Answer: Reagan/Mondale

a) Kennedy/Nixon

b) Carter/Reagan

c) Reagan/Mondale

d) Bush/Dukakis

8. Which political approach, initiated by Otto von Bismarck, focuses on pragmatic and power-based politics rather than ideology?

Answer: Realpolitik
a) Technocracy
b) Realpolitik
c) Revisionism
d) Opportunism

9. Who was the first woman to serve as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, also known as the "Iron Lady"?

Answer: Margaret Thatcher
a) Theresa May
b) Priti Patel
c) Nicola Sturgeon
d) Margaret Thatcher

10. The "Reign of Terror" during the French Revolution was marked by the rule of which radical political group?

Answer: Jacobins

a) Girondins

b) Jacobins

c) Montagnards

d) Thermidorians

Revolutions and Rebellions

1.  In what country was the Romanov dynasty overthrown by a revolution in 1917?

Answer: Russia

a) Bulgaria

b) Russia

c) Romania

d) Austria

2.  Which country experienced a peaceful transition from dictatorship to democracy in 1974, known as the Carnation Revolution?

Answer: Portugal

a) Italy

b) Spain

c) Greece

d) Portugal

3. Which African leader is best known for leading the movement for Ghana's independence from British rule in the 1950s? 

Answer: Kwame Nkrumah 

a) Jomo Kenyatta 

b) Nelson Mandela 

c) Kwame Nkrumah 

d) Patrice Lumumba

4.  Which Latin American leader, known for his role in the independence movements, was referred to as "El Libertador"? 

Answer: Simón Bolívar 

a) Simón Bolívar  

b) Miguel Hidalgo 

c) José de San Martín

d) Bernardo O'Higgins

5.  What uprising, which began in 1916, was an armed rebellion against British rule in Ireland?

Answer: Easter Rising

a) Battle of Boyne

b) Jacobite Rising

c) Easter Rising

d) Irish War of Independence

6.  The Haitian Revolution, which began in 1791, led to the establishment of the first independent black republic. Who was the leader of the revolution?

Answer: Toussaint Louverture

a) Jean-Jacques Dessalines

b) Henri Christophe

c) Toussaint Louverture

d) André Rigaud

7.  The 1917 February Revolution in Russia led to the abdication of which Czar?

Answer: Nicholas II

a) Nicholas II

b) Alexander III

c) Peter the Great

d) Ivan IV

8.  What was the primary event that triggered the People Power Revolution in the Philippines in 1986, leading to the end of President Ferdinand Marcos's regime?

Answer: The assassination of Benigno Aquino Jr.
a) The Marcos land reform policy
b) The Manila hostage crisis
c) The Edsa military coup
d) The assassination of Benigno Aquino Jr.

9.  What is the name of the French protests that began with student demonstrations over university reform in 1968 and escalated into a month-long protest involving trade unions and a general strike?

Answer: May 68
a) May 68
b) June Rebellion
c) Paris Uprising
d) September Strikes

10. What is the term used to describe the tragic event on January 30, 1972, in which British soldiers shot and killed 14 unarmed civil rights protesters in Northern Ireland?

Answer: Bloody Sunday
a) Derry Massacre
b) Bloody Sunday
c) Dark Sunday
d) Bogside Incident

U.S. History

1.  How much money did the United States pay France for the Louisiana territory?

Answer: $15 Million

a) $10 Million

b) $15 Million

c) $20 Million

d) $25 Million

2.  The U.S. Secret Service was set up in order to combat what crime?

Answer: Counterfeiting Money

a) Robbery

b) Fraud

c) Counterfeiting Money

d) Espionage

3.  Which U.S. president was the first to give a State of the Union address on television?

Answer: Harry Truman

a) Franklin D. Roosevelt

b) John F. Kennedy

c) Dwight D. Eisenhower

d) Harry Truman

4.  What city employed the first female police officer in the U.S. in 1910?

Answer: Los Angeles

a) New York

b) Chicago

c) Los Angeles

d) Boston

5.  Who was the pilot in command of US Airways Flight 1549, which famously made an emergency landing on the Hudson River after striking a flock of birds?

Answer: Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger

a) Robert Morgan

b) John Smith

c) Jeffrey Skiles

d) Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger

6.  What does the W. in George W. Bush's name stand for?

Answer: Walker

a) Walker

b) Washington

c) Wilbur

d) Wayne

7.  What is the U.S. federal government's highest-paying job?

Answer: President

a) Supreme Court Justice

b) President

c) Secretary of State

d) Chief of Staff

8.  What is the name of the country retreat in Maryland used by U.S. presidents since the 1940s?

Answer: Camp David

a) Camp Lejeune

b) Mount Vernon

c) The White House

d) Camp David

9.  What is the name of the landmark where Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech?

Answer: Lincoln Memorial

a) Lincoln Memorial

b) Washington Monument

c) Jefferson Memorial

d) White House

10. Which New England state was an independent republic for 14 years before joining the union?

Answer: Vermont

a) Connecticut

b) New Hampshire

c) Maine

d) Vermont

11. Which dog did U.S. President Barack Obama adopt in 2012?

Answer: Bo

a) Sunny

b) Bo

c) Scout

d) Buddy

12. Which of these presidents did not have a mustache while in office?

Answer: Abraham Lincoln

a) William Howard Taft

b) Theodore Roosevelt

c) Chester A. Arthur

d) Abraham Lincoln

13. Who founded the University of Virginia, which opened in 1825 with 68 students?

Answer: Thomas Jefferson

a) Benjamin Franklin

b) Thomas Jefferson

c) James Madison

d) George Washington

14. Who was George W. Bush's running mate in the 2000 election?

Answer: Dick Cheney

a) Dick Cheney

b) Al Gore

c) John McCain

d) Joe Lieberman

15. Which battle of the American Civil War marked the first victory for the Confederate Army?

Answer: First Battle of Bull Run (Manassas)

a) Battle of Antietam

b) Siege of Yorktown

c) Battle of Fort Sumter

d) First Battle of Bull Run (Manassas)

White-Collar Criminals

1. Who was the notorious American financier convicted of running a Ponzi scheme considered the largest financial fraud in U.S. history?

Answer: Bernie (or Bernard) Madoff

a) Bernie Madoff

b) Jordan Belfort

c) Kenneth Lay

d) Gordon Gekko

2. Which former chairman of Enron Corporation was convicted of multiple counts of fraud and conspiracy related to the company's collapse?

Answer: Kenneth Lay

a) Martha Stewart

b) Kenneth Lay

c) Jeffrey Skilling

d) Bernie Ebbers

3. What infamous American fraudster and stock market manipulator was convicted of numerous offenses related to his investment firm, Stratton Oakmont?

Answer: Jordan Belfort

a) Frank Abagnale

b) Charles Ponzi

c) Ivan Boesky

d) Jordan Belfort

4. Who was the mastermind behind the largest insider trading scandal in U.S. history, involving illegal activities at the hedge fund SAC Capital Advisors?

Answer: Steven Cohen

a) Michael Milken

b) Bernard Madoff

c) Raj Rajaratnam

d) Steven Cohen

5. Which American businesswoman was convicted of conspiracy, fraud, and obstruction of justice related to the collapse of her company, Theranos?

Answer: Elizabeth Holmes

a) Elizabeth Holmes

b) Martha Stewart

c) Sherron Watkins

d) Leona Helmsley

6. What former CEO of WorldCom was convicted of orchestrating one of the largest accounting frauds in U.S. history, resulting in the company's bankruptcy?

Answer: Bernard Ebbers

a) Richard Scrushy

b) Bernard Ebbers

c) Jeff Skilling

d) Andrew Fastow

7. Who was the American businesswoman convicted of multiple charges related to the collapse of her energy trading company, Enron Corporation?

Answer: Rebecca Mark

a) Michelle Malkin

b) Elizabeth Holmes

c) Martha Stewart

d) Rebecca Mark

8. Who was the American con artist who posed as an airline pilot, doctor, and lawyer, among other professions, in the 1960s and 1970s, inspiring the movie "Catch Me If You Can"?

Answer: Frank Abagnale

a) Gregor MacGregor

b) Victor Lustig

c) Frank Abagnale

d) Carlos Kaiser

9. What American mobster, known as "Scarface," was the leader of the Chicago Outfit during the Prohibition era and was eventually convicted of tax evasion in 1931?

Answer: Al Capone

a) John Gotti

b) Lucky Luciano

c) Bugsy Siegel

d) Al Capone

10. In 1971, a group of thieves tunneled into the headquarters of the Lloyds Bank in London's Marylebone district and stole valuables worth millions of pounds. What was the nickname given to this notorious heist?

Answer: The Baker Street Robbery

a) The Hatton Garden Heist

b) The Baker Street Robbery

c) The Lufthansa Heist

d) The Brink's-Mat Robbery

Women's History 

1.  In 1963, which American author published the influential book "The Feminine Mystique," sparking the second wave of feminism in the United States?

Answer: Betty Friedan

a) Gloria Steinem

b) Simone de Beauvoir

c) Betty Friedan

d) Angela Davis

2.  Which American abolitionist and women's rights activist is known for her speech "Ain't I a Woman?" delivered in 1851? 

Answer: Sojourner Truth 

a) Harriet Tubman 

b) Sojourner Truth 

c) Ida B. Wells 

d) Susan B. Anthony

3.  Which queen of the Iceni tribe led a revolt against Roman rule in ancient Britain?

Answer: Boudica 

a) Boudica 

b) Cartimandua 

c) Zenobia 

d) Cleopatra

4.  Who was the first woman to serve as the Prime Minister of India, known for her centralizing policies and the Emergency Rule? 

Answer: Indira Gandhi 

a) Golda Meir 

b) Corazon Aquino

c) Benazir Bhutto 

d) Indira Gandhi 

5.  Which women's rights activist played a key role in the drafting of the Seneca Falls Declaration in 1848? 

Answer: Elizabeth Cady Stanton 

a) Elizabeth Cady Stanton 

b) Lucretia Mott 

c) Susan B. Anthony 

d) Alice Paul

6.  Which woman led the suffragette movement in the United Kingdom and was a key figure in achieving women's right to vote? 

Answer: Emmeline Pankhurst 

a) Millicent Fawcett 

b) Emmeline Pankhurst 

c) Sylvia Pankhurst 

d) Christabel Pankhurst

7.  Who was the first woman to receive a medical degree in the United States in 1849? 

Answer: Elizabeth Blackwell 

a) Clara Barton 

b) Mary Edwards Walker

c) Florence Nightingale 

d) Elizabeth Blackwell 

8.  Who was the first woman to serve as the Chancellor of Germany? 

Answer: Angela Merkel 

a) Theresa May 

b) Angela Merkel 

c) Ursula von der Leyen 

d) Christine Lagarde

9.  Which Philippine senator, known for her fearless personality and sharp wit, famously said, "I eat death threats for breakfast"?

Answer: Miriam Defensor Santiago

a) Corazon Aquino

b) Leni Robredo

c) Leila de Lima

d) Miriam Defensor Santiago

10. Which feminist author wrote "A Room of One's Own," exploring the need for women to have their own space in literature and society? 

Answer: Virginia Woolf 

a) Simone de Beauvoir 

b) Virginia Woolf 

c) Germaine Greer 

d) Doris Lessing

World Wars

1.  The Battle of the Bulge, the last major German offensive on the Western Front, took place in which country?

Answer: Belgium

a) France

b) Belgium

c) Netherlands

d) Luxembourg

2.  What country was the target of invasion by Nazi Germany during Operation Barbarossa?

Answer: Soviet Union

a) Austria

b) Soviet Union

c) Morocco

d) Yugoslavia

3.  On what day of the week did Hitler's Germany invade Poland, beginning World War II?

Answer: Friday

a) Monday

b) Wednesday

c) Friday

d) Sunday

4.  The D-Day invasion, a crucial operation in World War II, began on which date?

Answer: June 6, 1944

a) June 4, 1944

b) June 6, 1944

c) June 8, 1944

d) June 10, 1944

5.  What versatile product was initially used to keep water out of ammunition casings during World War II?

Answer: Duct Tape

a) Duct Tape

b) Bubble Wrap

c) Plastic Wrap

d) Rubber Bands

6.  What was the real name of the German pilot known as "The Red Baron"?

Answer: Manfred von Richthofen

a) Ernst Udet

b) Hermann Göring

c) Erwin Rommel

d) Manfred von Richthofen

7.  Which island's airfield did the US and Japan fight on for over 6 months in 1942?

Answer: Guadalcanal

a) Midway

b) Iwo Jima

c) Guadalcanal

d) Okinawa

8.  Which conference in 1945 involved discussions on the post-war reorganization of Europe and the establishment of the United Nations?

Answer: Yalta Conference

a) Potsdam Conference

b) Yalta Conference

c) Tehran Conference

d) Munich Conference

9.  Who first used the term "Iron Curtain" to describe the communist threat?

Answer: Winston Churchill

a) Joseph Stalin

b) Harry Truman

c) Winston Churchill

d) Franklin D. Roosevelt

10. Who was the commander of the Allied forces in the Pacific during World War II and later oversaw the occupation of Japan?

Answer: Douglas MacArthur

a) Douglas MacArthur

b) Dwight D. Eisenhower

c) George S. Patton

d) Chester W. Nimitz

11. In which century did the Hundred Years' War take place?

Answer: The 14th century

a) 14th century

b) 17th century

c) 18th century

d) 19th century

12. Which two ancient civilizations fought in the Punic Wars?

Answer: Rome and Carthage

a) Rome and Persia

b) Rome and Sparta

c) Rome and Carthage

d) Sparta and Athens

13. Which battle marked the final defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1815?

Answer: The Battle of Waterloo

a) The Battle of Austerlitz

b) The Battle of Borodino

c) The Battle of Trafalgar

d) The Battle of Waterloo

14. Who was the Roman general responsible for the conquest of Gaul and later became dictator of Rome?

Answer: Julius Caesar

a) Augustus Caesar

b) Marcus Aurelius

c) Mark Antony

d) Julius Caesar

15. In which war was The Battle of Fredericksburg fought?

Answer: The American Civil War

a) The War of 1812

b) The American Civil War

c) The American Revolutionary War

d) The Spanish-American War

16. Who's assassination was said to spark World War I?

Answer: The Archduke Franz Ferdinand

a) Archduke Maximilian

b) Kaiser Wilhelm II

c) Emperor Charles I of Austria

d) Archduke Franz Ferdinand

17. Name the two countries that fought against each other in The Falklands War.

Answer: United Kingdom & Argentina

a) Argentina & United Kingdom

b) Brazil & Chile

c) Argentina & Chile

d) Chile & United Kingdom

18. In what decade was The Six-Day War fought?

Answer: The 1960s (1967)

a) 1950s

b) 1960s

c) 1970s

d) 1980s

19. Who was the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe during World War II?

Answer: Dwight D. Eisenhower

a) George S. Patton

b) Winston Churchill

c) Douglas MacArthur

d) Dwight D. Eisenhower

20. What was the name of the diplomatic strategy notably pursued by Western democracies toward Nazi Germany before World War II?

Answer: Appeasement was the name of the diplomatic strategy.

a) Appeasement

b) Deterrence

c) Isolationism

d) Concession

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